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Are Ants Marching into Your Home?

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Ants are a telltale sign of summer… but these tiny bugs can become a real nuisance if they find their way inside your home. If you’ve spotted a handful of ants around your doors or any openings in your home, you can be sure that they’ve already found their way inside – and more are […]

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Does Mulch Attract or Repel Bugs?

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Spreading mulch around your landscape is incredibly beneficial for your yard. Mulch beds reduce weed growth around other plants, hold moisture in the soil and let water penetrate the ground more effectively. Evenly spread, colorful mulch also makes a yard appear more organized and maintained. However, different types of mulch have a tendency to attract […]

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Turn Your Bathroom into a Spa (on a Tiny Budget)!

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Have you ever dreamt of having a luxurious, relaxing spa in your very own home? You don’t have to break the bank to transform your bathroom into a peaceful sanctuary! There are several affordable, DIY ways to give yourself the spa experience at home – no remodeling, big budgets or huge time commitments required! Photo […]

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Termite Trouble

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Living in a climate like Illinois, many people think that our homes are completely impervious to termites. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth! While it’s true the drywood and Formosan varieties of termites stick to warmer temperatures, subterranean termites are very active in our state during the spring and summer months. Photo by […]

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Sump Pump Maintenance

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4 Things To Do Now to Protect Your Basement from Spring Flooding Photo by / CC If you live in Northern Illinois and have a basement, chances are that your home is equipped with a sump pump to protect your home from flood damage. Until you hear it working or realize it’s not, chances […]

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Choosing A Contractor

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How to hire a reputable contractor for your next home improvement project Photo by Juhan Sonin / CC Spring has finally arrived! Now that the temperatures are warmed up, you may be feeling inspired to tackle that home project you’ve been waiting on all winter. If you choose to hire a contractor for a project […]

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Think quick… what poisons are lurking under your bathroom sink? If you’re like many homeowners, you may have a bottle of Drano, Liquid Plumbr or other chemical drainer cleaner stashed under there. However, these products should be examined a bit more carefully before just dumping them down our plumbing. Although most of these products claim […]

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Garbage Disposal Menaces

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We love appliances that do exactly what their name says. Because of its name, a garbage disposal must obviously dispose of whatever garbage you throw at it, right? Not so fast! Photo by Mike Mozart / CC BY Certain types of food scraps can clog, jam or burn out your garbage disposal. Avoid these 5 […]

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Leaks Can Run, but They Can’t Hide!

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Did you know that the average household’s leaks account for more than 10,000 gallons of water wasted every year? That’s the amount of water needed to wash 270 loads of laundry! What a waste of resources! In honor of Fix A Leak Week (March 16–22, 2015), Pearson would like to encourage you to take steps […]

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Preventing Frozen Pipes

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Frozen pipes can lead to serious problems in your home. Not only is replacing the damaged plumbing expensive, but if the event is particularly catastrophic, you can also incur restoration expenses. Water freezes and expands when it’s left sitting in pipes below a frozen ground. It’s this expansion that can cause major damage. Pipes that […]

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